Saturday, September 21, 2013

TOW #1-The New York Times Article/"The Payday at Twitter Many Were Waiting For"/ Nick Bilton and Vindu Goel

It is probably safe to say that almost every person in America has heard of the social networking site Twitter. Like Facebook or any other media website, it is simply a space to connect with other people. The unique part, though, is that those connections are limited to posts of 140 characters or less. But what if millions of people could make money from one person's 140-character message? According to The New York Times article "The Payday at Twitter Many Were Waiting For", this dream will become a reality within the next six months when investors like Evan Williams and Dick Costolo plan to make Twitter investments public on the stock market.

Unfortunately, technology experts and magazine reporters Nick Bilton and Vindu Goel explain that not everyone will profit from this venture. Despite whether or not people are disappointed, the fact remains that the largest shareholders stand to make billions or millions, while all employees who have been laid off from Twitter, or who were part of the company before it became famous, will not make money or receive a share of stock. Twitter is expected to merely make money for a few chief investors and then finance the start of competing companies. As experienced professionals in the world of technology, Bilton and Goel inform their New York Times audience of their belief that Twitter will not be as profitable in the long run as Facebook has been. They use the stock statistics of other companies and the statements and opinions of "big-name" Twitter investors to add credibility to their report and signify just how important this announcement is. Their use of logos makes this article a factual account, but also successfully appeals to the idea that readers want to have information about a familiar aspect of many of their lives. Twitter is, at its core, a SOCIAL network, so it does make sense that socially (and literally), some will profit more than others.

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