Saturday, September 21, 2013

TOW #2 (Visual Text)- Pepperidge Farm Advertisement/ "Raisin cinnamon Swirl Bread"/ Pepperidge Farm, Inc.

 The well-known saying, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is often used by parents who try to get their families to eat nutritious, filling breakfasts. Pepperidge Farm supports and thrives off of this idea, weaves this mentality into every aspect of the advertisement above, with the intention that parents will make Pepperidge Farm products a part of their families’ meals. The founder, Margaret Rudkin, started the business in the 1930’s after developing natural recipes that did not give her son allergies. Today, the company continues to use nutritious ingredients and bake Rudkin’s bread with “lots of love”. This “love” is apparent through the heart in the center of the slice of toast and vocabulary included in the advertisement. The fact that Pepperidge Farm says “We’re Bakers. But we’re also parents, too” appeals to pathos and attempts to invoke emotion in anyone who see the advertisement.

But Pepperidge Farm uses more than just this hook to attract people to their advertisement. The company plays with its readers’ senses by using colorful, comfortable pictures that intend to remind people of home. Even the company’s slogan, “Good is in the details”, works with the pictures and hook to create feelings of nostalgia for comfort foods. Pepperidge Farm believes that their product is good, and attempts to make their family-friendly audience think so too. The advertisement seems to do its job because it is realistic and comforting, and Pepperidge Farm’s advertisements can be found commonly on TV and in magazines, like the Food Network Magazine this advertisement is in. It also seems easy for parents to trust Pepperidge Farm’s products because the advertisement appeals to ethos, and Pepperidge Farm’s bakers, as fellow parents, seem like trustworthy authorities. The advertisement is successful because it displays its product in a clear and friendly way, and is not screaming “Buy me” to people, but rather “love me” and “enjoy me”.

Pepperidge Farm. Advertisement. Food Network Magazine Sept. 2013: 75. Print.

"Pepperidge Farm® – The Margaret Rudkin Story." Pepperidge Farm® – The Margaret Rudkin Story. Pepperidge Farm, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2013.

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