Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tow #18 (Visual Text)- Gum Advertisement/ "Orbit for Kids" Gum/ Food Network Magazine

Almost no one actually likes going to the dentist, particularly not kids. But many people enjoy gum, chewing it any time of day and almost anywhere. Bubble gum specifically is entertaining for kids to chew. So when Orbit created their "Orbit for Kids" gum, which is supposed to help protect teeth, they made sure to market it towards parents, not kids. With its creative diagrams of a hand holding the pack while showing the “helps protect teeth” label, and a hand with the thumb covering this label, the company acknowledges the benefits of keeping this information away from kids and also uses humor to appeal to pathos. These appeals to pathos also appeal to ethos, combining with the gum’s plainly visible American Dental Association (ADA) Acceptance in the bottom left corner of the advertisement. This credibility is enhanced by the ADA’s factual, informative description of the gum’s hygiene benefits. Their logical statement, “If kids knew orbit for Kids was accepted by the American Dental Association, they might not want to chew it” parallels their previous statement “Don’t let them know it’s good for them”, and clearly explains the company’s argument/purpose, to appeal to parents with a healthy gum that kids will love to chew. The ad also is made up of the fun, bright colors that accompany every pack of Orbit gum and also make a statement in the middle of a magazine filled with bright, “home-y”, but sometimes repetitive colors. The advertisement finishes with the gum’s website, which allows the advertisement to be both accessible and informative online/ in a variety of methods of entertainment. The ad will reach more people, and logically markets itself in a technology-centered atmosphere. When the gum is both beneficial to their kids for entertainment/enjoyment and health reasons, parents are more likely to purchase and allow their kids to chew gum. And maybe, after some time, their kids’ teeth will have improved in the process.  Maybe going to the dentist won’t be as bad.

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